Here are some of the basics to playing RPG World Online.
- Attributes are general abilities of player
- May be raised by spending experience
- To raise: click up arrow button next to attribute
- Attributes affect a skill's base value, therefore raise an attribute and you will raise any skill that uses the attribute
- Life: Basic hit points. When life reaches 0 you die.
- Stamina: Energy for doing things, see Stamina later in Help
- Mana: Energy for doing magic
- Strength: Ability to hold, carry, wear, etc.
- Dexterity: Hand-eye coordination, balance
- Quickness: How fast one is
- Intelligence: Ability to focus the mind
- Wisdom: Mental capacity
- Clicking on the name will give XP needed for next raise
- Skills are specific abilities of player
- Skills will be improved with usage
- Skill's base value is a formula, for example Melee Defense Base = (Dexterity + Quickness) / 3
- Clicking on a skill name will give details and XP needed until next raise
Player Status Bars
- In the upper/middle part of screen are 3 bars: GREEN, YELLOW, and BLUE
- GREEN is players current Life
- YELLOW is players current Stamina
- BLUE is players current Mana
- The bar will go to the left as your values go down
- Click on the bars to toggle the display mode for them
- Use keypad or arrow keys to move single steps
- Right click on map for player to "go-to" there
- Tactical map is in upper-left
- Strategic map is under "Map" in tab MFD
- NumLock may need to be on
- /GOTO [x], [y]
- Click on a target in the tactical display
- Select "A" button in lower right of screen
- Your player will move within range and start attacking
- If the target moves out of your view, attacking is cancelled
- Move the player or click "A" again to cancel attacking
- Critical attack is when an attack is 3 times better then the defend
- Clicking "G" will automatically attack anything in range
- When your Life reaches 0, you die
- When you die, you get a 3% reduction in Vitae (see Vitae section)
- You lose half the gold you carry and an item you are carrying
- Normally you will auto-resurrect at the last Life Stone you attuned to
- If you don't, exit world and re-enter world with the same player
- Normal vitae is 100%
- A player loses 3% of their vitae upon death
- Vitae is restored when you earn experience
- Vitae only affects skills, not attributes for example: when vitae is 95%, then all skills reduced by 5%
- Your players current Vitae is indicated by the "dot" in the upper right corner, just above the MFD tabs
- The Vitae Dot will be different colors to indicate varying levels of Vitae
- GREEN: 100% or Normal
- YELLOW: 95% to 99%
- ORANGE: 85% to 94%
- RED: less than 85%
- Click on Vitae Dot to see exact Vitae in the lower right Text display
- Normal chat is NOT global, NOT all players get the message
- Normal chat messages have about 1-2 screen range
- TAB key "should" activate it
- Type your message
- Numeric keypad still controls player
- Press ENTER send message
- "Menu" tab has option to save chat to "chat.log"
- Commands can be preceded by @, /, or \
- The follow commands do different chat functions:
- @, /, Or \ - alone gives list
- /PLAYER or /WHO - Shows all players currently in the world
- /KILLS - Shows all players you have killed
- /DEATHS - Shows the number of times you have died
- /AGE - Shows your age in V-Time
- /DOB - Shows when you were born
- /TELL [name], [message] or /T [name], [message] - Sends a private message to a player
- /RETELL [message] or /RT [message] - Sends a private message to the last person you messaged
- /REPLY [message] or /R [message] - Sends a private message back to the last person who messaged you
- /IGNORE [name] - Add or remove a player from your ignore list
- /IGNORE - View your ignore list
- /IGNOREGLOBAL - Stop receiving global messages
- /IGNORETELL - Stop receiving private messages
- /GLOBAL [message] or /G [message] - Send a message to everyone online
- /GUILDCHAT [message] or /Z [message] - Send a message to all your guild members online
Item Use
- Left click/drag items to move them
- Left double click on map item to view it
- Right click on items in inventory to get popup menu
- Drag item in your inventory on top another to merge
- Right click on items with a quantity, gives "split" option
- Right click on a food item in inventory, select Eat
- Players can eat and store up to 250 units of food
- About 144 units of food used each V-day, or once per 10 V-minutes
- That gives over 3 V-days of going without food
- When food is zero, you start to starve losing Stamina then Life
- Check the bottom of the "Player" tab for food levels
Magic System
- To cast spells you need a wand readied in your hand. Just drag it to the "weapon" slot
- Wands each have a power level that magnifies a spells intensity, so a wand of power 2 does 2 times the effect as a wand of power 1
- Wands wear out with use and will degrade and eventually break which may cause damage to the caster
- The appropriate skill is need and used to determine the caster ability to successfully cast a spell
- The higher a magic skill is the higher level wand they can use successfully
- Black Magic is for offensive spells
- White Magic is for defensive and healing spells
- Red Magic is for Enchantment spells
- Blue Magic is for Item spells
- Spells do not do critical hits
- Runes are the formula for creating and casting spells. You need the right runes, in the right order, in order to cast any specific spell. Each rune has a specific purpose and they are not just random for each spell. For example: the spell Heal Self I use 4 runes (Nal, Oyo, Alq, Yag), the first rune is always the "Target" rune. For this spell, Nal means Self. The others you must figure out your self.
- When researching new spells, that is the time to determine the order. During casting the order of runes is not needed. Also, a minimum of skill is needed to learn the spell, so if a combo does not work when you are at a low skill level, it might work at higher skill levels.
- /SPELLCOUNT - Shows how many spells there are and their names but not rune combinations
Land Ownership
- Land parcels are 20x20 in size
- Each player may own 1 land parcel
- The following chat commands apply:
- /LANDCLAIM - Claims the land as your own
- /LANDUNCLAIM - Unclaims the land you own. You must be on the land for it to work
- /LANDLIST - Shows all your land parcels that you own
- /LANDOWNER - Tells you who owns the land you are on
- /LANDGIVE [name] - Transfers ownership of the land to [name]. The receiving player must be online
- /LANDRIGHTS [name] - Gives or revokes rights to other. If no name is specified it lists players with rights to the land.
- /SURFACE [optional number] - Changes the appearance of a flat tile in your land
- Mail system is designed for simple offline communication, in game
- All date/times are in game world units.
- Commands:
- /MAIL - Lists all mail in your mail box
- /MAIL [number] - Lists a single mail
- /MAILSEND [name], [message] - Sends mail to a player
- /MAILDEL [number] - Deletes the mail number
- /MAILDEL * - Deletes all the mail
- /MAILNEW - Lists all NEW mail only
- Once a NEW mail is listed, it is assumed viewed and it is no longer marked as NEW
- The following are the perks for a player that has them enabled
- 2 land claims instead of 1
- Skill cap of 400 is lifted
- Weapons with a rating of or over 120 usable
- Armor with AL of or over 15 usable
- Wands with power level of or over 2.0 usable
- All spells are usable
- Posting is intended for global advertisements or
announcements, you are only allowed to have one post at a time, any
new post you add, overwrites any older post
- /post - Displays all posts
- /post - add/modifies your message post
- /postdel - deletes your current post
- /ignoreposts - toggles ignoring posts
- The following are other useful things to know for Rpgwo
- /elevation - gives current land height
- /up - gets you out if you stuck underground
- /password - changes your password
- /suicide - kills yourself
- /temp - displays your temperature and world temperature
- /ignorenotices - ignore player entrances and exits
- /rule - displays the world rules
- /fixwall - fixs walls that are broken from seiges
- /s - talk
during a seige
- /history - shows how picked locks and killed your tames
- /karma - displays your karma value
- /bitch - shows your bitches (phobos only)
- /bitchadd - adds a bitch
- /bitchdel - deletes a bitch
- /ver - displays the rpgwo version and server owner.